Disaster Preparedness
Backcountry Communities Thriving is a proud supporter of San Diego County Fire's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). In fact, BCT's Executive Director is a certified CERT trainer and the Julian CERT Central Division Program Manager.
Read the "A Firefighter's Concise Guide to Disaster Preparedness" written by a former Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District volunteer fire fighter. Tips in this guide will help you to prepare yourself, your home and your neighbors in the event of a disaster.
Be Prepared!
Make a plan with your family and neighbors. Know the exits and utility shut-off valves around your home. Practice your plan at least twice a year so that you are ready.
Build an emergency kit: Everyone should have emergency supplies on hand if a disaster strikes. Your emergency supplies should be sufficient to sustain you, your family and pets for a minimum of 72 hours. A two (2) week supply of prescription and necessary over-the-counter medications is recommended. Visit https://www.readysandiego.org/content/oesready/en-us/BuildaKit.html for a list of some basic items that every emergency supply kit should include.
Be Informed: Register for AlertSanDiego and download apps like ReadySanDiego and Pulse Point.
Know Your Neighbor
Being the a rural community like Julian, means having to rely on yourself and your community. Get to know your neighbors so that an emergency situation, you will have a network of people to step in and help.
Protect Your Home from Wildfires
Defensible space is one of the most important steps you can take to improve your home's chance of surviving a wildfire. Defensible Space is the buffer you create between a structure on your property and the grass, trees, shrubs, and any wildland area that surrounds it. This space is needed to slow or stop the spread of wildfire. It helps protect your home from catching fire from embers, direct flame contact or radiant heat.
Zone 0 = Ember Resistant Zone is the first 0 to 5 feet from buildings, structures, decks, etc.
Zone 1 = Lean, Clean and Green Zone extends from 50 feet around buildings, structures, etc.
Zone 2 = Reduce Fuel Zone is the next 50 to 100 feet of clearance around your home, decks, etc.
The Fire Safe Council of San Diego County can assist you with creating your defensible space through their Defensible Space Assistance Program (DSAP). The services provided are:
Brush and tree trimming/thinning.
Dead tree removal, if funding permits and is applicable.
Raking of dead leaves and pine needles.
Chipping of removed vegetation. Chips are left onsite.
On-site education about effective defensible space.
Initial one-day defensible space clean up.
Performed by professional contractors, who are bonded and insured.
Know Your Hazards Tool
Enter your address at https://www.readysandiego.org/know-your-hazards/ to learn about the hazards around your area. Explore the hazards and learn preparedness activities.
List of Items Recommended for your Emergency Kit/Go Bag
Have a portable radio or scanner and plenty of batteries to stay updated on the fire – phones and TVs may not work.
Emergency contact numbers.
Extra emergency kit in car – in case fire cuts you off from your home.
Cash – credit cards may not work due to lack of electricity -a minimum of $200 in denominations less than $20.
One gallon of water per person and per pet per day.
Three days of nonperishable food and one week’s supply of any special foods needed for medical purposes or for children.
Paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels, can opener.
One week + supply of medications.
First aid kit.
Plastic bags, garbage bags.
Extra clothes, comfortable shoes, hat, sunscreen.
Pocket knife.
Personal hygiene items, e.g. women’s products, toilet paper.
Fire Extinguisher.
Face mask for each member of family.
Tools to turn off gas and water – If you have time, turn off gas, electricity and water.
Cell Phone Charger
Glasses, sun glasses, hearing aids
Matches in a water proof container
Books or games.
Local maps.
Paper and pen.
Important papers:
Copy of your passport or driver’s license
Children’s birth certificates
Marriage or divorce papers
Insurance information
Titles for any property you own
Tax information
(List of items provided by San Diego Regional Fire Foundation)