Health & Wellness
Experiences in Caregiving Podcast
The podcast is a place where everyday people speak about their experiences, their struggles, and the everyday highs and lows that come with their family member’s Alzheimer’s journey. You can hear a new episode each month at:
Non-Emergency Transportation Services
Do you have Medi-Cal and need of transportation to a doctor visit? Your insurance company should be able to provide transportation for free. See the table to the left for details and contact information.
Mental Health Journey
Backcountry Communities Thriving has partnered with over 30 organizations to create collaborative initiatives, connect resources, and support community resiliency and wellness. We're all working to reduce mental health stigma while celebrating youth’s strengths and interests. Click here for a list of resources and learn about The Blue Shield Community Resiliency Workgroup.
Don't be afraid to share your mental health journey with a trusted friend or adult. Opening up to a care person in your life is the first step in your journey to taking charge of your mental health. You are not alone in your journey.
BCT's Board Member in TikTok Ad
Our very own Brooke Gonzalez will be featured in a TikTok ad encouraging youth to reach out to mental health resources available in San Diego County. The ads are part of a campaign by the Blue Shield Community Resiliency Workgroup to inspire youth to feel comfortable to seek help. Click to view Brooke's video and a collection of videos by other local youths.
Sacred Mountain's Abundant Blossoms Program
Sacred Mountain has a wonderful new program, Abundant Blossoms. When flower arrangements are left behind after a wedding or donated by a couple, they are made into smaller flower arrangements. The new arrangements are then delivered to senior citizens in our community to help brighten their day. Do you know someone who could benefit from beautiful flowers? Contact BCT ( and we'll make sure that he or she receives an arrangement.
Mental Health Awareness
Mental health is very important part of overall health for everyone regardless of their age. Luckily there are many resources available and agencies ready to help. Below are some wonderful options.
If you need suicide or mental health-related crisis support, or are worried about someone else, please call or text 1-800-273-8255 or visit the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s chat to connect with a trained crisis counselor.
Alzheimer's & Brain Health
The Alzheimer's Association Helpline (800-272-3900) operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in more than 200 languages. Their staff is highly trained and knowledgeable about all aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. Call them if you have questions about:
Alzheimer’s disease or memory loss, medications and treatment options, brain health and care options
How the Association can help you
Caregiving tips and respite care options
Services available in your community and referrals
You can also call them for emotional support — as often as you need. They know that living with Alzheimer’s can be overwhelming at times.
Learn the Signs of Human Trafficking and How You Can Prevent It
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery where perpetrators profit from the sexual exploitation and/or forced labor of men, women and children. It is a violation of basic human rights, and it is also a crime as defined by U.S. federal law and California state law.
Human trafficking is not a choice. A person cannot consent to become enslaved.
Human trafficking is different than smuggling. Smuggling is based on transportation; trafficking is based on exploitation (although the two can occur together).
Human trafficking does not require that a victim be moved over state or international borders. Human Trafficking is also a domestic issue inside CA state and San Diego County.
27 million people are trafficked each year worldwide, with approximately 18,000 victims in the U.S. (U.S. Department of State)
Human trafficking is one of the most profitable criminal enterprises with estimates of profit worldwide of $32 billion, and 9.5 billion annually in the U.S.
California, a populous border state with a significant immigrant population is one of the nation’s top four destination states for trafficking of human beings.
San Diego was identified by the FBI as of the top 13 high intensity child prostitution areas.
Human Trafficking that is based in sexual exploitation and its related forms of pimping and pandering form the majority of criminal prosecutions.
Visit the San Diego County District Attorney's website for more information.
Excessive Heat - Know the Warning Signs
Play it safe by drinking water and healthy fluids to stay hydrated! Stay in the shade or indoors during extreme heat.
Heat Cramps: Muscular pains and spasms in the stomach, arms, or legs brought on by over-exertion in extreme heat. Heat cramps are often the first signal that the body is suffering from excessive heat.
Heat Exhaustion: A form of mild shock that typically occurs when people exercise heavily or work in a hot, humid place where body fluids are lost through heavy sweating.
Symptoms include:
Cool, moist, pale, or flushed skin
Heavy sweating
Muscle cramps
Nausea or vomiting
Tiredness or weakness
Fast or weak pulse
Heat Stroke: A life-threatening condition in which a person’s temperature control system shuts down, and the body temperature rises so high that brain damage and death may result.
Symptoms of Heat or Sun Stroke:
Red, hot, and dry skin (no sweat)
Extremely high body temperature
Dizziness, confusion or unconsciousness
Rapid, strong pulse and rapid, shallow breathing
If you are sick and need medical attention, contact your healthcare provider for advice and shelter in place if you can. If you are experiencing a medical emergency call 9-1-1.