Our mission is to provide information, education and training to the citizens of Julian to promote fire prevention and safety in our community.

Backcountry Communities Thriving is the fiscal sponsor of the Julian Fire Safe Council. We welcome any input from the community and hope to engage as many residents in the efforts to protect our homes and neighbors. If you would like to volunteer with the Julian Fire Safe Council or learn how you can help, please contact us at jfsc@bc-ct.org.

Please consider donating to the Julian Fire Safe Council

The Julian Fire Safe Council is made up of community volunteers who tirelessly search for ways to educate the Julian community about wildfire safety and provide support wherever we can. This includes writing grants for funding to provide assistance for defensible space clearing, educational programs and emergency supplies. If you would like to support the Julian Fire Safe Council, please make a donation to Backcountry Communities Thriving (BCT) on our behalf. BCT is our fiscal sponsor and will make sure that your donation comes directly to us! Thank you in advance!!

Click here to download the Wildfire Evacuation Checklist from FEMA. If you are having trouble downloading the document, please feel free to stop by our office at 2007 Main Street, Suite B for a printed copy.

Home Insurance Shopping Help Webinar

United Policyholders recently held a webinar to discuss: 

If you missed the webinar, you can watch the recording online. United Policyholders also has resources available regarding insurance the topics covered above. 

Sign Up for a Free Reflective Address Sign

The Julian Fire Safe Council received a grant from the San Diego Fire Foundation to provide Julian residents with one free reflective address sign per residence.  The sign measures 6" x 24" and comes with 4" numbers that can be displayed vertically or horizontally. Complete the request form to order yours today!

Landscaping / Contractor Services

We all need help with clearing our properties in the backcountry. Below is a list of individuals and businesses who offer landscaping services. Please note that JFSC does not officially endorse any of those listed here. This is for your information only.

A&M Chipping n' Splitting 619-876-2511                                                   Ace Ramos 760-997-3608

Blaines Tree & Chipping Services 760-315-6864                                   JJ Ramos 760-825-9118

C.W. Handyman Services & Hauling 619-335-0967                             Renee Saldivar 760-545-3705

Julian's Happy Helpers 760-765-0506                                                         Dylan Delgado 760-525-8649

LTC Forestry Inc. 760-654-3569                                                                      Todd Russell 619-345-1770

SDC Cleaning & Yard Services 760-270-6081                                         Victor Seth Jacob 760-440-6973

The Tree Fairy 760-315-9735                                                                            Prepared Property 951-440-8721

Wildfire Fuel Management 781-718-6445                                                Bar D Bar Landworks, Inc. 760-498-3834

San Diego Brush Clearing 760-760-1941                                                   Pope Tree Service  619-929-2667

Patriot Group 951-834-3809                                                                             Estate Tree Service  760-440-9138

Daniel DeWitt 760-419-7635                                                                           Four Seasons Tree Service  760-310-5156

El Encino Tree Service  760-215-1150       

What is a Firewise USA Community?

Home ignition zones often overlap onto adjacent properties. This makes the conditions of neighboring homes and vegetation a part of the wildfire threat. It's extremely important that neighbors work collaboratively with each other (and talk with each other) to reduce their shared risk.

Firewise USA® is a voluntary program that provides a framework to help neighbors get organized, find direction and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community.

Create a board or committee of volunteers to represent your community, including residents and partners such as local forestry agencies or the fire department. Identify a resident leader who will be the program point of contact. The board or committee defines the boundaries of the site and determines the number of individual single family dwelling units. Minimum of 8 dwelling units and a maximum of 2,500.  

The board or committee will collaborate with their local wildfire expert to complete a community wildfire risk assessment. The assessment should be a community-wide view that identifies areas of successful wildfire risk reduction and areas where improvements could be made. Emphasis should be on the general conditions of homes and related home ignition zones.  The assessment is a living document and needs to be updated at a minimum every 5 years. The board/committee will use the risk assessment to create a three-year action plan, broken down by year, that identifies and prioritizes actions to reduce ignition risk to homes.

Each year, neighbors complete educational and risk reduction actions identified in the plan. These go towards your site's annual reporting efforts. At a minimum, each site is required to annually invest the equivalent of one volunteer hour per dwelling unit in wildfire risk reduction actions. If your site has identified 100 homes within its boundary, than 100 hours of work or the monetary equivalent, based on the independent sector value of volunteer time, need to be completed for that year.

When the above criteria have been met, the Resident Leader applies for recognition through the Firewise® Portal, describing educational and mitigation work in the site. Each year, sites renew their status by reporting their activity.

Home Assessment Program

The Fire Safe Council of San Diego County is offering FREE home ignition zone and defensible space assessments. For the Julian area, Home Assessments are being scheduled for March 24th - March 28th and September 22nd - October 3rd. Trained staff will provide education, evaluation and recommendations to help you meet your wildfire resilience goals. Registration is required through the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County website.

Defensible Space Assistance Program

The Defensible Space Assistance Program (DSAP) is designed to assist homeowners that need to create defensible space, and are not able to do so because of physical, economic or other barriers. Please note that homeowners will need to participate in the Home Assessment Program first. Visit the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County website for additional information and program guidelines.

Community Chipping Program

Once you’ve done the hard work of preparing the space, contractors will come out and chip the cleared vegetation for you, free of charge. The chips are left with you and can be used as a weed suppressing mulch on your property. Visit the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County website for additional information and program guidelines.

County of San Diego Agriculture and Livestock Pass Program

All commercial livestock or agricultural operators and managerial employees in the unincorporated area are now able to apply for an Ag Pass. When a mandatory evacuation order is given, all people, including Ag Pass holders, must evacuate. When fire and law enforcement leaders allow, Ag Pass holders will be able to return to the area to move, feed and provide veterinary care of livestock, or work on irrigation systems, farm equipment and other essential infrastructure.

Ag Pass access is limited to daylight hours and doesn’t guarantee entry to an evacuated area.  Fire and law enforcement officials make the decision for entry based on fire behavior and public safety. Click here for more information about the program.

Residential KnoxBox Program

In the event of an emergency, it is important that first responders are able to reach residents as quickly as possible. When doors are locked, this slows down the response time. The San Diego County/Fire Protection District's Residential KnoxBox Program is designed to give residents a back-up plan to be accessible during a crisis.

Qualifying residents will receive a lock box at no cost. Inside, a spare house key can be stored for access by fire personnel during emergencies.  Requirements for the program are:

Visit the County's website to see if you qualify and to apply.

Free Smoke Alarms for Seniors

The Burn Institute offers free smoke alarm installations for seniors 62 years+ who own their own home in San Diego County through their Fire-Safe Seniors Program. If you meet these qualifications, fill out their form and someone will contact you shortly to complete the sign-up process. Once registered, trained, screened volunteers will set-up an appointment time to install alarms up to California State Fire Code in your home free of charge.

Lessons from Paradise

Survivors of the catastrophic wildfire that burned through Paradise in 2018 draw from their experience and immense personal loss to warn us about what can happen if we don’t take action to protect ourselves and our homes.  The urgency of their message cuts deep.

Defensible Space Zones

Defensible space, coupled with home hardening, is essential to improve your home’s chance of surviving a wildfire. Defensible space is the buffer you create between a building on your property and the grass, trees, shrubs, or any wildland area that surround it. This space is needed to slow or stop the spread of wildfire and it helps protect your home from catching fire—either from embers, direct flame contact or radiant heat. Proper defensible space also provides firefighters a safe area to work in, to defend your home.

Zone 0 : Ember Resistant Zone

Zone 1: Lean, Clean and Green Zone

Zone 2: Reduce Fuel Zone

Visit Cal Fire's website  for complete descriptions of each zone and to download brochures and useful checklists to keep you, your home and your neighbor safe from a wildfire.

Preparing Makes Sense for Pet Owners

Helpful tips to keep the four legged members of your family safe too.

Create a Pet Disaster Plan

The County of San Diego Department of Animal Services offers free disaster plans and guides to help you help your pets and livestock.

Animal Evacuation Tips

Do you have an evacuation plan for your pets and livestock? Download a copy of Cal Fire's Animal Evacuation tips.

List of Items Recommended for your Emergency Kit/Go Bag

(List of items provided by San Diego Regional Fire Foundation)

Julian Fire Safe Council Board of Directors

Kim Simas - President

William Everett - Vice President

Hilary Ward - Treasurer

Donna Garcia - Secretary